Summer Project

Kia Sportage (2019) - Sportage

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Stage 1: Re route my HID headlight wiring and install HID fog lights. Going to try and hide everything so looking under the hood you would never know it was aftermarket lights, as well as move my OBD port. I installed a chip tuner and cant put the fuse box cover back on the way it is.


Stage 2: Install remote start. I chose one that would work with my factory remote, didnt want to have 2 remotes. Push the lock button 3 times on the factory remote to start the vehicle, only down side, you have to use the key to open the door when its remote started. 


Stage 3: Car audio install. Way too much to say here, so I will post builds during the process


Im also looking into an LCD rear view mirror and thinking about painting my brake calipers red. 

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