Camaro Clear Switchback LED DRL Turn Signal Lights

Chevrolet Camaro (1984) - The Ghetto Ride

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It's been awhile since I really did any upgrades on the Camaro. Last Summer I noticed that SHREK-87-IROC had some newer style front turn signals on his Camaro. So I reached out and he told me a little about them, and I decided to purchase a set for myself.  These are the clear switchback version, there are also a smoked version, but I noticed on those that there is a bezel around the outside that I didn't care for very much.  Plus the smoked lens might be a little darker than I would like, so I went with the clear. 

Installation was pretty easy,  just remove and install the new ones. The kit comes with an LED flasher if you don't already have one. Since I already had one installed from my other lights,  I didn't need to use the one they provided.

I think they look pretty good, I'm hoping they will turn a few more heads during the cruising season this year.  I like that the new lights are much brighter than the DIY LED turns I made 10 or so years ago. The bright white I think will look good in photos when driving around, and the sequential turns are a nice touch too.  

Here is a short video of the turn signal on. 

1 Year later update:

So it's been about a year since I installed these,  overall I still like how they look.  But I am starting to noticed small bubbles on the inside of the lens. Kind of looks like whatever is used to use the pattern is separating. My first thought is from heat while driving around with these at the cruises.  Going to just wait and see if they get worse or not,  hoping not.  

The only thing I wish was just a tad bit different.  When using the turn signal, when it reaches the full sequential, that it would stay fully lit for like a 1 second longer. As you can see in the video, it instantly goes back off and starts over.  Just that 1 second longer would make it look a little more refined I think.  Just my personal opinion. 

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No title-762
New lights installed both sides
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1 Year later: bubbles on the inside :(
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My old DIY LEDs
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No title-763
Old on left, new on right

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